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Franklin. The last data tracker you'll ever need.

 Use your cell phone without fear. Franklin will make sure you're never surprised with a data overage ever again.

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Data tracking is just the beginning.

With Franklin, you get:

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Predictive analytics

Hyper-Accurate Usage Predictions

Franklin uses advanced A.I. to predict your monthly data usage.

After you've installed Franklin for 3 weeks, our predictions are practically never wrong, meaning you'll never get another overage.

Detailed stats

Detailed Stats

Franklin shows you when and where you use the most data, so you can figure out which apps are data hogs.


One-Touch Data Savings

Franklin helps you discover easy ways to eliminate wasted data.

For instance, if you forget to turn on WiFi at home, Franklin can turn it on for you—giving you more data when you really need it.


Light Footprint

Franklin won't kill your battery life or slow down your phone. Over the course of a week, Franklin uses about 1% of your battery.

How It Works

How does Franklin save you money?

No more overages fees

1. No more overage fees

Install Franklin on your phone for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, Franklin's intelligent A.I. and smart reminders ensure that you'll never get another overage fee.

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Get more out of your data plan

2. Get more out of your data plan

Ever accidentally start streaming HD videos at home without turning on WiFi? We’ll remind you before that happens next time.

Or, surprised by a massive app update that happens in the background over data? Well, say goodbye to that.

  • No more forgetting WiFi at home
  • No more apps silently hogging data
  • Help with auto-downloading videos
  • Help with enabling data compression
Stop overpaying on your cell phone bill

3. Stop overpaying

According to Consumer Reports, more than half of Americans overpay on their cell phone bill. Franklin finds you the cell phone plan that gives you the best coverage at the best possible price.

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Download Franklin today.

Currently available for Android. iOS version coming soon.

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